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She Launch Collective


She Launch Collective is a transformative, done-with-you 6-month experience for women service providers where you’ll create and launch a compelling offer that resonates with your audience, resulting in a five-figure launch. Indulge in the curriculum that’ll assist you in crafting irresistible offers that your audience will buy. Gain Kingdom Clarity - Learn my KING framework that ensures you’ll gain a clear understanding of your Kingdom mission, audience, niche, and purpose, setting the stage for a purposeful and impactful offer creation journey. Craft Compelling Offers - Craft irresistible offers that align with your mission and exceed your client’s expectations. Covers offer feature stack, onboarding, offboarding, experience, and retention. Master your Messaging - Develop compelling messaging that resonates with your target audience, while also creating a captivating and unique narrative that connects your offer to the hearts of your customers and the dreams they have. Strategic Launching Blueprint - Design a step-by-step launch plan, using my LAUNCH framework, tailored to your specific offer and utilize effective pre-launch strategies to build anticipation. Purpose-Driven Sales - Develop a SALES strategy that aligns with your Kingdom purpose and learn how to overcome objections to your offer. Post-Launch Refinements - Dive into the RRR approach to review, refine, and reaffirm your offer post-launch, ensuring ongoing success and refinement in your journey. Inside the program you’ll receive: Monthly 1:1 Coaching Calls, Private Coaching Channel, Monthly Co-working Calls, Community of Provider, Monthly Watch Parties, Content Critiques.


Single Payment
She Launch Collective x6 Monthly
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